Florida Lawyer For Defense of Professional Licensure, Disciplinary And DOH Investigation Proceedings

Our Orlando hospital and medical staff lawyers at Lowe & Evander, P.A., have handled thousands of license defense, disciplinary and Department of Health investigation proceedings in close to two decades.

We have extensive experience representing:

  • Doctors
  • Osteopaths
  • Chiropractors
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Physician assistants
  • Pharmacies
  • Pharmacists
  • Mental health counselors
  • Psychologists

This complex process starts with an investigation letter. These investigations come from multiple sources, including patients, disgruntled former employees, competitors, hospitals and DOH managed care companies, PIP companies and federal government investigations. If you have received an investigation letter, it is important to see if you are insured to cover the defense. From there, reach out to our legal team. We will inform you of your rights and undertake the necessary steps to properly respond to the Florida DOH letter. Our familiarity with licensure statutes and specific disciplinary sections allows us to ideally address all issues, including those related to:

  • Billing issues
  • Taking advantage of a patient for financial gain
  • Impaired practitioners
  • Prescription fraud
  • Criminal convictions related to a practice

Our Orlando professional licensure defense lawyers will address all issues related to health care laws involved in licensure statues, board rules related to medical record release, record keeping and standards of care.

It is important to realize that many formal administrative hearing in defense of administrative complaints go past probable cause panels to determine whether there is cause to take disciplinary action. This is just the first step, so it is critical to get counsel. It may be possible to obtain a dismissal at this point, but it requires decisive action to address complex technical rules and put in a detailed response.

All too often health care professionals will take settlement agreements thinking they are getting a good deal and will seriously damage their career; they will get thrown off staff, get put on proctoring or will be terminated by a managed care company, or PIP carriers will not deal with them.

Get in touch as soon as possible.

To schedule an initial consultation with one of our Florida professional license defense attorneys, call [phone] or contact us online.

*Please note Lowe & Evander, P.A. does not represent patients in any HIPAA, Medical Malpractice or Health Care Law Matters. Lowe & Evander, P.A. only represents Health Care professionals and Health Care facilities. If you are a patient looking for representation please do not contact our firm, we are unable to refer you at this time and are advising you to seek counsel elsewhere. Please contact The Florida Bar Association lawyer referral service 1-800-342-8011 or online.