
Our attorneys at Lowe & Evander, P.A., have a comprehensive expertise in federal and Florida medical issues. Having worked on thousands of these cases, we are prepared to help you address and navigate the complicated world of health care law, regardless of your unique circumstances.

To schedule an initial consultation with one of our Florida health care lawyers, call [phone] or fill out the form below.

*Please note Lowe & Evander, P.A. does not represent patients in any HIPAA, Medical Malpractice or Health Care Law Matters. Lowe & Evander, P.A. only represents Health Care professionals and Health Care facilities. If you are a patient looking for representation please do not contact our firm, we are unable to refer you at this time and are advising you to seek counsel elsewhere. Please contact The Florida Bar Association lawyer referral service 1-800-342-8011 or online.

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